Association between Elevated Iodine Intake and IQ among School Children in Portugal

Bibliographic reference: 

Carvalho, I.P.; Peixoto, B.; Caldas, J.C.; Costa, A.; Silva, S.; Moreira, B.; Almeida, A.; Moreira-Rosário, A.; Guerra, A.; Delerue-Matos, C.; Sintra, D.; Pestana, D.; Pinto, E.; Mendes, F.C.; Martins, I.; Leite, J.C.; Fontoura, M.; Maia, M.L.; Queirós, P.; Moreira, R.; Leal, S.; Norberto, S.; Costa, V.; Fernandes, V.C.; Keating, E.; Azevedo, L.; Calhau, C. Association between Elevated Iodine Intake and IQ among School Children in Portugal. Nutrients 2022, 14, 4493.