About us

The One Health Toxicology Research Unit (1H-TOXRUN), is a Research and Development (R&D) unit within the University’s Institute of Health Sciences (IUCS).

1. The 1H-TOXRUN aims to reinforce research activity and the technological development in the field of Toxicology at IUCS;

2. The 1H-TOXRUN develops its activities by establishing a link between three key areas of its mission: postgraduate education and training, community outreach activities and scientific research. In this context, 1H-TOXRUN aims to:

a. The generation of scientific knowledge in the area of Toxicology

b. To collaborate with higher education institutions, especially with Organic Units and other national or international Research Centers, in postgraduate activities and in updating knowledge on Toxicology;

c. To contribute to the scientific exchange between research organizations, especially with other national and international research centers;

d. To develop its research interests in close proximity with teaching and training activities, supervising, as far as possible, the work to be carried out in postgraduate courses, 2nd and 3rd Cycle of Studies;

e. To participate in colloquia, congresses and other national and international meetings, showcasing the generated knowledge and research produced;

f. To publish the generated and gathered results in international reference journals with high impact factor;

g. To develop activities to provide services to the community, without prejudice to the aforementioned activities.


Current Projects



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Facilities & Services

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1H-TOXRUN governance

Advisory Committee

Provides independent evaluation and advice

Coordinating Committee

Members responsible for TOXRUN management

Scientific Council

The Scientific Council is chaired by the Unit Coordinator, and is composed of...


The unit is organized following the rule of the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT)...