Evidence of Different Propofol Pharmacokinetics under Short and Prolonged Infusion Times in Rabbits
Bibliographic reference:
Campos S., Monteiro J., Valenzuela B., Gonçalinho H., de Pinho PG., Fresco P., Félix L., & Antunes L. (2016). Evidence of Different Propofol Pharmacokinetics under Short and Prolonged Infusion Times in Rabbits. Basic Clin Pharmacol Toxicol. Jun;118(6):421-31
Campos S., Monteiro J., Valenzuela B., Gonçalinho H., de Pinho PG., Fresco P., Félix L., & Antunes L. (2016). Evidence of Different Propofol Pharmacokinetics under Short and Prolonged Infusion Times in Rabbits. Basic Clin Pharmacol Toxicol. Jun;118(6):421-31