Isabel Monteiro

ISABEL MONTEIRO (RDN, PhD) is Invited Assistant Professor at the IUCS - CESPU; member of the Nutrition Sciences Degree Course Committee and the head of the Curricular Unit Nutrition and Diet therapy I and Nutrition and Diet therapy II. Senior Dietitian in Primary Care at Cluster of Health Centers Porto Ocidental, Northern Regional Health Administration, Ministry of Health, Portugal and Specialist in Community Nutrition and Public Health. Lead of European Specialist Dietetic Network for Primary Care (ESDN PC), European Federation of the Associations of Dietitian (EFAD). Nutritionist (0034N) with degree in Nutrition Sciences - Faculty of Nutrition Sciences, University of Porto (FCNAUP), (1986-1991), Post-graduation in Epidemiology and Biostatistics - Erasmus University Medical School, Rotterdam (1998), PhD in Human Nutrition (Nutritional Epidemiology of stroke) - FCNAUP (1994-2002) and with post-graduation in Advanced Management Program, Clinical Governance, Leadership (PACES TEAM Course) - National Institute of Administration (2009-2010). Principal investigator of some research projects, some awarded by the Health Care Research Promotion Commission of the Portuguese Ministry of Health (265/2001 and 212/98). She was awarded 2 Fellowships by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation in 1998 and in 1996 and Doctoral Fellowship by the Foundation for Science and Technology (BD/ 3194/ 94) in 1994. Publications in nutritional epidemiology, stroke and metabolic diseases area. Supervised more than 20 Bsc thesis and Co-supervised 1 MSc dissertation. Arguer of doctoral thesis (UNESP) and master thesis (ICBAS-UP) and numerous theses of Degree (IUCS-CESPU, FCNAUP, ESB-UCP, ESS JP). Scientific Reviewer for Acta Portuguesa de Nutrição and for Revsalus.
