José Alberto Duarte

José Alberto Duarte (MD, PhD) is professor of Physiology and Head of the Laboratory of Biochemistry and Experimental Morphology at the Faculty of Sport, University of Porto; in this school, he also directs the PhD Course in Physiotherapy. Currently, he is the responsible editor of the International Journal of Sports Medicine (Georg Thieme Verlage). He has published in co-authorship more then three hundred scientific manuscripts in peer-reviewed journals and registered three international patents, having received 7 scientific awards. He was principal investigator in 6 FCT financed projects and researcher fellow in another 10 FCT financed projects. He has supervised / co-supervised 10 postdoc students, 37 PhD thesis and 59 MSc dissertations. Skeletal muscle plasticity, pathophysiology of cachexia, mechanisms underlying exercise-induced cardioprotection, bone remodeling by physical training, biological aging, and metabolic syndrome are his main research areas of interests at the moment
